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FREE LOCAL DELIVERY* Rest of NSW from $15. QLD, VIC, TAS, SA from $20
FREE LOCAL DELIVERY* Rest of NSW from $15. QLD, VIC, TAS, SA from $20


Things have changed a lot since your Dad brewed beer under the house.

Whatever your favourite craft or commercial beer is, you can now brew it at home for a fraction of the price.

With the right equipment, ingredients and a little bit of know how if you've got a spare 30 minutes a week you can make great beer.

Most beer lovers know what they like -whether it's VB for a hard-earned thirst or a refreshing Great Northern, Australia's favourite crafty Stone and Wood Pacific Ale, or something super hoppy that adds a flavour punch, we can get you set up and homebrewing (it'll save you a fortune).



There are three ways to brew beer at home:

If you’re new to brewing, grab yourself a starter kit is the easiest place to start.

Home brewing starter kits include everything you need to get started a fermenter, hydrometer, spoon, airlock and grommet, tap, temperature strip and 30 bottles, as well as basic ingredients including an extract can and yeast. Just add water and you are on your way.

We also stock pressure fermenter starter kits and full all grain brewing systems.

Shop Starter Kits


There are three key ingredients you need to make beer - yeast, hops and grain. Grains form the base of your beer. Hops add flavour and aroma. Yeast makes the fermentation magic happen, different yeasts give you different beer styles. Adjuncts and additives make your beer better.



The choice of home brewing ingredients can be a bit overwhelming.

We like to keep things simple around here, so we have curated home brewing recipe kits for all your favourite craft, commercial and international beers.

Tooheys New, Balter XPA, James Squires 150 Lashes, Bentspoke Crankshaft, Corona or Guinness - whatever style of beer you like to drink, we've got a recipe kit packaged up and ready to brew.

Check out Home Brew Beer Recipes Kits


From basic home brew set-ups right through micro-breweries - we've got you covered with equipment.

Whether you’re brewing to save money or to master your craft - we've got the equipment you need.

From basic starter kits to premium, all-grain brewing equipment, temperature controls, kegging, fridges and bottling, we’ve got it all.

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