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FREE LOCAL DELIVERY* Rest of NSW from $15. QLD, VIC, TAS, SA from $20
FREE LOCAL DELIVERY* Rest of NSW from $15. QLD, VIC, TAS, SA from $20

Beer on tap at home.

Make your place the new 'local' with a kegerator fridge.

Kegerator Fridges

They are perfect addition to any man cave (or kitchen for that matter). 

Buy the fridge on its own or to make it easy to fit out your home bar, we’ve packaged together options with everything you need from kegs to gas and some handy accessories to have you pouring like a pro in no time.

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It’s a purpose built fridge, designed keeping beer cold and serving it in style.

It's got beer taps and a gas bottle for dispensing the beer from the kegs into a glass- just like at the pub. 

Whether you want to pour your home brew or a commercial beer from kegs a kegerator will have you doing it like a pro.



  • How Does My Kegerator Keep My Beer Cold?
    March 14, 2023 Naomi Farrelly

    How Does My Kegerator Keep My Beer Cold?

    A kegerator is essentially just a fridge purpose built to keep beer cold! It is a nice and simple setup with a font fan which blows cold air directly up through your font, and keeps your the beer lines cool and your beer nice and cold. It's pretty simple, let me show you how it works.
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