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FREE LOCAL DELIVERY* Rest of NSW from $15. QLD, VIC, TAS, SA from $20
How Do I Set Up Couplers?

How Do I Set Up Couplers?

Commercial keg couplers - what are they and how do you set them up?

If you're going to use a commercial keg in your kegerator (Keg King Series XL and Series 4 fridges fit one 50L commercial keg) you’ll need couplers to connect it to the system. 

There are two main types:

A Type Coupler - which slides on, pushes down and engages with the valve on the keg. 

D Type Coupler - is a twist and push style. It screws on then pushes down to engage with the keg valve. 

The type of coupler you need will depend on the type of commercial keg you have. For example - Tooheys Kegs are A Type and Carlton Kegs are D Type. 

To connect with a kegerator system, you will need to convert to coupler to take standard disconnects. 

Because commercial kegs are a little bit taller, you’ll need an elbow junction, which screws on the top of the coupler. 

Then add a pub lock adaptor with a ⅝ inch thread to the elbow junction at the top (for the liquid)  and the gas inlet (on the side).  These pub lock adaptors are universal so they can do both beer and gas. 

Now add your disconnects - remember Black is for Beer, Grey is for Gas.

Congratulations - you’ve just converted a commercial keg to a home brew setup. 

Need a coupler kit - we’ve got Type A and Type D.

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